Fall Open House 2024 is Sunday, October 27th


Raising Great Girls

Speaker Series for Parents

Join us Friday, March 15 at 7PM

at Willows Academy

The Genius of Women:

Why Girls Matter


Abigail Favale, Ph.D.

Abigail Favale is a writer and professor in the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. Her latest book The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory was just released in June 2022 by Ignatius Press. Abigail’s essays and short stories have appeared in print and online for publications such as First ThingsThe Atlantic, Church Life, and Potomac Review. Abigail lives with her husband and four children in South Bend, Indiana. 

Past Events and Speakers


The Raising Great Girls speaker series offers relevant, inspiring, and practical formation to parents to empower them as the primary educators of their daughters. The series is open to Willows families and the wider community with a goal of promoting friendship and community among parents with shared goals. Each event includes a reception in addition to a talk or panel discussion and time for questions and answers.