Join us as we welcome Keynote Speaker Dr. Andrew Abela! on Thursday, March 27th! The event, titled “The Virtues as Superhabits,” will take place on Thursday, March 27th at Willows Academy.
About the Event
Virtues are a set of “superhabits” that underlie all human thriving. Virtues are not values, they are not principles, and they are not exclusively about morality. Anyone can acquire them with steady practice and the help of grace. In this Willows Academy keynote, Dr. Andrew Abela will discuss St. Thomas Aquinas’ system of virtues and how parents can foster the superhabits that lead to lasting joy and improved physical, mental, and emotional health in their families. No matter what problem you are facing in life, “there’s a virtue for that!”

About the Speaker
Dr. Abela is the Founding Dean of the Busch School of Business, Professor of Marketing, and former Provost of the Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. He is also a Faculty Affiliate at Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program. His research on marketing, communication, and integrity has been published in several academic journals and in two books. He is the project lead on a $1 million grant to expand programs to cultivate virtue among Catholic University students.
His new book Superhabits: The Universal System for a Successful life is available for pre-ordering
The Virtues as Superhabits is a part of our Raising Great Girls speaker series.