Summer Camps at Willows are Live!

Health Forms

All new students and any student entering 6th and 9th grades must submit a current Certificate of Child Health Examination Form and IDPH Proof of School Dental Examination Form by the first day of school, August 20th. Students in all grades must be up-to-date on required immunizations. An Eye Examination Form is ONLY required for students entering an Illinois school for the first time (e.g., international students, from out of state, homeschoolers). For more information, please see IDPH Minimum Immunization Requirements Entering a School in Illinois. If your daughter has asthma, diabetes, an allergy, or any other health condition, a special care plan must be kept on file. Please reach out to in order to upload this form to your daughter’s profile.

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.

Requirements by Grade

Students participating in sports: All students participating in sports are also required by the State of Illinois to submit a current health exam form each year they are involved in any sport activity. IESA/IHSA Pre-Participation Examination Form OR State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination.

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.

Must submit a current Certificate of Child Health Examination Form with a record of immunizations and IDPH Proof of School Dental Examination Form. An Eye Examination Form is required for students entering an Illinois school for the first time (i.e., international students, from out of state, homeschoolers).

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.

No specific requirements for returning students. New students can submit a copy of their 6th grade examinations or a current exam forms.

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.

Must submit a current Certificate of Child Health Examination Form with a record of immunizations and IDPH Proof of School Dental Examination Form. An Eye Examination Form is required for students entering an Illinois school for the first time (i.e., international students, from out of state, homeschoolers).

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.

No specific requirements for returning students. New students can submit a copy of their 9th grade examinations or a current exam forms.

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.

Second meningococcal conjugate vaccine in 12th grade or after age 16.

All students are required to submit the 2024-2025 General Medical Information Form found on WillowsWeb.



All health forms should be uploaded to Willows Academy via WillowsWeb by parents by or before the first day of school. It is essential that all documents are uploaded by parents as we are unable to take paper copies! All pages of the required forms MUST be filled out and signed by both a parent and the doctor in order to be accepted. In order for all required pages to be uploaded, the document must be a PDF. JPGs or PNGs are not accepted! Please see directions below for how to scan your document and create a PDF.

How to scan documents on your iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Notes and select a note or create a new one.
  2. Tap the Camera button , then tap Scan Documents .
  3. Place your document in view of the camera.
  4. If your device is in Auto mode, your document will automatically scan.
  5. Tap Save or add additional scans to the document.

How to scan using the Google Drive App

  1. Open the Google Drive App on your phone.
  2. Tap the + button in the bottom right.
  3. Select scan.
  4. Line your document up as you would, taking a photo.
  5. Take the scan, and adjust the scan as you require.
  6. When you’re happy, tap “Save”.
  7. Give the PDF file a name and location in Google Drive.
  8. Then tap “Save”.
  9. The PDF scan of your document will get uploaded to Google Drive.

Questions? Email

If a student fails to present proof of the required health examination form and/or immunization records by October 15, unless an exemption or extension applies, the student will be excluded from school. If a student fails to present proof of the required eye examination by October 15, Willows may hold the student’s report card until the student presents proof: (1) of a completed eye examination, or (2) that an eye examination will take place within sixty (60) days after October 15. If a student fails to present proof of the required dental examination by May 15, Willows may hold the student’s report card until the student presents proof: (1) of a completed dental examination, or (2) that a dental examination will take place within sixty (60) days after May 15.